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When trans people are under attack -
What do we do?
Stand up, fight back!


Song by the Peace Poets

Defund Line 3
The people and the water will flow free

Climate, Land Back

Your burgers may be square,
But your food ain't fair!

Humor, Labor

¡Arriba trabajadores!
¡Abajo explotadores!

Labor, Spanish

For Decepticon, or can work on its own?

Here’s to the man, and his bombs, his bombs, his bombs,
Here’s to the man and his mother fucking war games

[Down with the man]


Hey, hey, ho ho: where did all the money go?
Show. Me. The money!

Funky, OWS

Sexist, racist, anti-gay! NYPD, GO AWAY


¡Patriarcado y capital, son la mafia criminal!
¡Patriarcado y capital, son la mafia criminal!
¡Patriarcado y capital, son la mafia criminal!
¡Patriarcado y capital, son la mafia criminal!

Queer, Spanish

Trans united will never be defeated!

Trans unidas jamas serán vencidas!

Queer, Spanish

¡Pueblo: escucha! ¡Estamos en la lucha!
¡_________: escucha! ¡Trabajadores en la lucha!
¡_________: escucha! ¡Estamos en la lucha!

Housing, Labor, Spanish

Occupy! Shut 'em down!
New York is the people's town!

Multi-purpose, OWS, Revolution

They say get back, we say fight back!
Get back... fight back
They say go away, we say no way!
Go away... no way
When they say shut up, we say rise up!
Shut up... rise up!


Intifada, intifada! Love live the the intifada!


What do we want?
Free the Children!
When do we want it?

Anti-Prison, Immigration

We're here, we're queer, we're sharks, we're gonna eat-cha
Marsha P and Bayard Rustin taught us to defeat-cha

Black Lives Matter, Queer

UP UP with education
DOWN DOWN with deportation

Anti-Prison, Education, Immigration

What's the reaction? Di-rect action!
What's the solution? Revolution!

OWS, Revolution

Hey Cuomo we're no fools
You can't privatize our schools


They got bailed out, we got sold out!


Boots, boots, boots on the ground
We’re here, we’re here, to shut this war/shit down

Black Lives Matter, Peace, Police

From Palestine to the Philippines, stop the U.S. war machine!

Peace, Pro-Palestine

Not just annexation!
Not just occupation!
Fight for liberation!
Bring the whole thing down!

Peace, Pro-Palestine

Our friends and neighbors are under attack
What do we do? Stand up, fight back!

Immigration, Revolution

*to the chorus of "Shake your Booty"
Pay pay pay, pay pay pay! Pay your workers! Pay your workers!

Funky, Labor

¡Con falda o pantalón, respétame cabrón!

Queer, Spanish
